9 Important Facts You Should Know About Fiber- By: Emma Sundstromma

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Many people have not become conscious about what they eat. If you are among these people who have become health buffs, you must have heard about fiber. Although considered to be an important part of one's diet, many people still do not know about how powerful fiber is when it comes to keeping your body healthy.
Here are 10 facts about fiber that can help you better understand its importance:

1.Fiber can help fight diseases. Fiber-rich foods can help prevent heart diseases as well as colon cancer. This is because fiber helps eliminate cholesterol by binding it in the digestive tract. Fiber has also been found effective in preventing constipation.

2.Fiber can stop you from overeating. Fiber-rich foods take a long time to chew and digest, which in turn make you feel full for a longer period. Starting with some nice fiber riuch foods for breakfast can go a long way in making you feel satisfied until lunch.

3.Most popular foods do not contain fiber. If the foods in your diet are the popular foods such as hotdogs, pizza, burgers and fries, chances are you are not getting enough fiber in your diet.

4.Whole grains are rich in fiber. Whole grains and concentrated grains products are rich in dietary fiber, plant matter that we cannot digest but are good for the body.

5.Kids need fiber, too. Children that are two years old and above also need fiber in their diets. They can get fiber from fruits, vegetables and even from fortified breakfast cereals.

6.You needs lots of water when you consume lots of fiber. Lots of water is needed for fiber to do its job of keeping things moving in your digestive tract. Drink 8 or more glasses of water a day and the fiber in your diet will be able to do its job of cleanign up your body.

7.Fiber cannot be cooked out. Cooking cannot destroy the fiber content of fruits and vegetables. Fiber is also found in the flesh or meat of the fruits and vegetables and not just in the skin or peel.

8.Too much fiber is also bad for the body. Eating more than 50 grams of fiber-rich foods is also bad for the body as this can cause diarrhea and bloating. These conditions can interfere with the body's absorption of nutrients and minerals.

9.Eating enough fiber is not hard, and can be enjoyable and tasty. You just need to make sure that you are eating the right kinds of foods.

Article Source : http://www.look4articles.com/

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